Strategies for countering Jill Chan and Kindoo

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At the battle sites fighting against Jill, there are three large kettles. One is full of fire, one full of a drug, and one is full of ice. As long as you make good use of the cauldron, the battle is very simple. Here, I explain the skills of Jill Chan briefly. One of his skills is Poison arrow. You can interrupt the World of Warcraft. In the battle, the BOSS will use the skills many times. The other skill is the fire of Jill Chan. Jill will cast flame wave front, which will be very high standing in harm. You should prepare for immediate escape.

In addition, there are three special skills of Jill. He can call a lot of zombies, blood. But the injuries are low. He also can call a huge Jill Berserker. There is no hate list. He randomly selected targets. The entire site covered the ground are highly toxic. It can cause the person a lot of damage. I would like to suggest some tactics, here.

For the Poison arrow and fire of Jill, you can praise on the fire. Our approach is very simple. You pay attention to avoid interrupting the line.

The key to this battle of Jill is the three special skills. It is not so easy to deal with. There are some specific methods. At first, you should make sure you have enough wow game time. When Jill called zombies, he gets DEBUFF right click on the fire cauldron. You can go to the middle of zombies. Then what you should do is to just enjoy burning them.

When Jill called Berserker, player should get to click on the ice cauldron DEBUFF. Then you should begin to attack the violence directly. You will be able to destroy 80% of the blood. The rest of the blood is very casual. Of course, no matter who was violent person, he will not be tracked. With wow game card, you can enjoy all of this.

Then we come to Kindoo. It is the last BOSS. The battle is divided into two phases. At the first stage, do not fight against it. While at the second stage, you will be sent to the soul of the world until the end of the fighting. In the first stage, Kindoo will repeatedly cast the skills to create a shield. The magic will cause 90% damage. The casting speed reduced by 90%. HP of BOSS is dropped to 70%.

In the first phase, it will repeat the cast dead space. The tank needs to be pulled out. Of course, you also do not go this time. In the second phase, HP of BOSS is reduced to 70%. It will be sent to all the soul of the world. Here you can see three huge chains. These three chains can attack, but it is immune.

Repeat as described above, until the three chains have been destroyed. Then the fighting is ended.

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