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So I'm leveling a Lock with Herb/Inscription. I'm selling glyphs (I hope, haven't checked if they've sold yet - first batch!) and I'm manually looking at prices and setting them accordingly. My reasoning for this is that 1. I'm not selling more than 15 glyphs or so at a time, as I'm leveling of world of warcraft too, but 2. I want to get to know the market by the time I max it out so I know what sells when and what doesn't. However, all this single checking is somewhat irritating, when I know an addon would do it a lot better - but that I wouldn't necessarily see the finer results.

So, my question is one for opinions. When do you guys think that it might be worth switching to all these addons I hear people posting about, rather than manually posting myself?

Using addons will greatly streamline the process of checking prices and posting. You can scan the AH for prices every day, and you'll end up with a general idea of what the averages are over a period of time. This tends to take maybe 5 minutes at the most. You can run the scan with the AH open while milling herbs or creating glyphs.

Once you've run the scan and are ready to post glyphs, you can go to the posting window of the addon, and when you put the item in the window, it will automatically show you all the others of that item and the price. This will allow you to simultaneously check and compare prices, and set the price/post auctions for your items. Then earn enough wow gold is easy. In this way you will no need to buy wow gold.

Auctionator is a great tool for finding the "now" prices rather than the "used-to-be" average prices. It's extremely easy to use and take 10-20 seconds to scan nearly every item in the AH. It really help you no need of any other cheap wow gold.

You should start using the key add-ons that you'll be using as soon as possible - you'll have to learn how to use them sooner or later, so why not now? Key add-ons that I use are Auctioneer, TSM, Skillet, and Postal. All of them are critical to use if you want to be successful as a scribe. To give you an example of how cool they are, using them I can scan the AH to find who has undercut my 350 or so glyphs, cancel the 250 or so that have been undercut, and re-post these 250 glyphs for 1 copper less than my competitors.

"Who cares?" you might say - "I can do all of that manually." Well, you're right - you can do all of that manually. With these add-ons, though, I can do a quick scan/cancel/repost of those 350 glyphs in around 7-9 minutes (i.e. a fraction of the time it would take to do it manually). And of that 7-9 minutes, probably about 4-5 minutes is waiting for Postal to pick up all of the cancelled auctions from my mailbox. During that time, I can be making a sandwich or having a coffee.

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